The best medicine is HIUS!

16 February 2014

                In 2002 every Hippocratic oath swearing medical researcher realise that high intensity ultrasound cured prostate cancer.  Six months later they were pound eight it works for all cancers.

                So drug company ignored the news!  I any case doctors to continue writing out prescriptions. Though biochemical treatments were now defective medicine.  Ever have added an agonising imminent death.  High Intensity UltraSound provided a one appointment total cure.

                As realized by doctors!  As the Hippocratic oath replied all doctors to be acquainted two and apply best medicine.  This is so obviously not sell biology.

                My recent tweats on the subject have been retweated by cancer research.  So by now every worker and cancer research realises cancer is cured physically-and raising money for biochemical research is simple fraud.

                The charity commission should be equally as aware.  There are many descriptions of high intensity ultrasound.  I started off with 150 Watts 40 kHz.

                I now use the more affective 5 W 1 MHZ.  The effectiveness is given by the frequency power product.  So the one MHZ effective is more effective.

            The above device can be used at home.  Transparent to all Bio chemistry.  I do next Dr. or hospital appointment, they will give you a lower power ultrasound.  Find the disease has vanished.  Then the Hippocratic oath requires that they fully discharge them.

            No prescription of it as cancer drunks is definitely or legally acceptable.

            Since 2002 G P’s around the world have killed 400 million people from the diseases of age: HIUS also clears coronary heart disease and diabetes.  Apply the HIUS to the top left the chest and the kidneys to clear coronary heart disease.

            I thought you only have to apply the HIUS to the pancreas to clear diabetes.  It now appears you also need to apply the ultrasound to the kidneys again.

            Doctors follow my progress with HIUS.  As I’m doing the research work cancer research has failed to do.

            So hopefully by now every GP surgery in the world will have and use a HIUS device.  At the end owed 2012 30,000,000 people were dying a year.  Cancer rates have crashed!  So now only four million people a year to die from cancer.  All under medical supervision!

            Cancer does not require the hospital or Dr..  Buy and use your own HIUS device-which are fantastically inexpensive.  I give a Dr. a nice surprise!

            Newspapers were reporting on the set and shortage of doctors!  They have all gone AWOL.  No Hippocratic oath taking Dr. Can any more work for cancer research.

            Any nurse after raise money for Bio chemistry is acting medically unethically.  And should not be working in Health Service.

            Any medical student has already broken the Hippocratic oath-so can never be medically licensed.

            I have seen five family members die in agony from cancer.  So the other week when a medical student said he realised HIUS cured cancer, but is boss had already given him a target to raise money; I give a small sampling called him evil.

            I regret my actions!  And not a violent man.  Was I wrong?  I know acted rationally-and was given a police caution.

            Ironically enough via PC his brother died two years ago from pancreatic cancer.  That would have been cleared in 30 sections of HIUS.

            In conclusion: there are people out there dying from Dr. Intervention.  I would urge you to buy your own ultrasound device-and cure and cancers.

            Every Dr. on earth should be using HIUS.  My experience is it clears 100% of cancers, heart disease and diabetes.  There may be cancers out there that are not cures!

            But HIUS causes inflated cell structures to experience cell content boiling.  Which is common to all cancers.  Cancer is not inflated do not grow!  Do not cause disease.

            Cancer was cured 2002!  Every year there media does not cover this fact 30,000,000 more people die.  And hundreds of millions live in agony!

            Next week The Daily Express must carry the story!  They have not done so is yet-due to drug companies advertising budgets.  Drug company is are acting unethically and leading to patients agonising deaths.

            Do get in touch-and tell me what you think of this FACT!!  HIUS applied for ½ minute to each side or the head clears mental health problems.  I have cleared Parkinson’s and MS!  Each in only 30 seconds.

            HIUS will also work for Alzheimer’s.

Jonathan Thomason

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